What is Ensoft Premium Contents about?
We are an online learning portal that caters to all age groups, be it pre-school to retirees. We curate education and edutainment websites and save you money, time and effort and make quality learning accessible at your fingertips.
Our learning portal is in line with the:
Malaysian Human Resource Development Blueprint
Nations Sustainable Development Goals; especially Goal 4,which
states access to:
Quality Learning Content
Making Learning Inclusive so no one is left behind
Most importantly to ENCOURAGE LIFELONG LEARNING to be future-ready
with all the developments around us.
How do I know what is each category about?
Under the Menu header ‘Subscribe’, you will be able to see 7 different categories. Click on each of this, to read and watch the Videos for you to know what is inside each category. There are many interactive audio, video, text and games made available in each category to suit your needs.
How do I subscribe to a content?
In order to subscribe to these contents, you will have to be either a Maxis Postpaid or Prepaid user or a Celcom Postpaid or Prepaid user. We will be enabling other subscription methods soon too.
To Subscribe using Maxis line:
You have to SMS as below:
ON <KEYWORD > and Send it to 37777. You can know the keyword by clicking on ‘Subscribe’ header button, then click on ‘Maxis’ button. Each ‘KEYWORD’ will be displayed on the image there.
To Subscribe using Celcom line:
Just click on the ‘Celcom’ button and fill in your mobile number and details as requested.
We will be enabling other payment gateways soon, that will enable all online users to subscribe regardless of mobile careers. So stay tuned!
How many categories are there?
There are 7 different categories and each category has different contents related to its title. For example, an Online Certification category has contents related to certifications from prestigious Universities. You can do your online courses for free here without further payment. If you want to have an extra certificate or so, then it may be chargeable, depending on the University.
The same goes for EBooks, STEM, Latest Courses, Upskilling and Lifestyle , which has readily available contents which are interactive, fun, visually stimulating and exciting to follow!
How am I charged when I subscribe to a content?
Charges will be deducted automatically from your mobile phone bill. For Postpaid users, you will be able to see the details on your monthly phone bill. For Prepaid users, the subscription fee will be deducted from your prepaid wallet. You will be notified via SMS on your subscription.
How many contents are there per category?
Each category has more than thousands of contents, that may be refreshed every few months; so you can access new contents easily and readily across the various categories listed.
How do I unsubscribe?
To Unsubscribe, follow the instructions stated in the subscription SMS received. For Celcom, you can click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link and for Maxis just type STOP <Keyword> and send to 37777.
I’m a Celcom subscriber. Can I subscribe to Comics?
At the moment, Celcom has not integrated Ensoft Comics subscription service. Hence, only Maxis users can subscribe to this category. We will be enabling other payment channels soon, to allow all online users to subscribe, regardless of mobile carriers; so stay tuned!
Is my personal data safe when I Subscribe?
We have strong privacy policies to esure that our customers data is safe. Kindly refer our Privacy Policy and terms & conditions page for further information.